sidewinder western slang

The term was derived from the mens hair which the Indians thought resembled the fur of the buffalo. Holdup: a robbery. Salting Planting rich ore samples in an unprofitable mine to attract unwary buyers. About 1920, usage changed and hot lead became slang for bullets. Perhaps this man had been on a bender when this photo was taken in 1874. By 1884, meaning had shifted to energetic worker. The sense prostitute arose c. 1924. The origin of the slang usage is obscure; possibly seeking trouble.. Hurricane Deck: The back of a bucking horse. Arose American west c. 1875 as a reference to some species of rattlesnakes' "peculiar lateral movement." Son of a gun: politer version of the epithet "son of a bitch," indicating extreme contempt. Honey, come over here and give your grandma some sugar.. Sakes Alive The equivalent of Good heavens!. Working . Build a Loop Shaking out a coil of rope in preparation for roping. (This came from killing a cow for food.) Arose during the American Civil War. Bed-post A moment, an instant, jiffy. For men to keep house without a womans help. Banco or Bunko Steerer or Roper A sharper, confidence-trick man. He is small potatoes.. It could also mean nonsense. Need to take some Advil. J.A. Sadying A simple and unaffected mode of dancing. Buckra A white man, applied to white men by the blacks of the African coast. Scratch To come to the encounter, begin a fight, i.e. What are the odds my son and I were just talking about the word lunatic because of the recent full moon? Shecoonery A whimsical corruption of the word chicanery. And so interesting, the correct historical use of the actual word gun. Hes got ascrew loose.. To Look Blue At Someone To look at one with displeasure or dissatisfaction. Im still not certain that I can dismiss the moons influence given that it controls the oceans tides. Jump To: A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Give the lift wedgie. Slug An ingot of gold or silver, a twenty-dollar piece. Northern soldiers wore blue uniforms even before the outbreak of the American Civil War. Big Nuts to Crack A difficult or large undertaking. To some, this is an insult, but in this context, it really means this hellion knows what he or she is doing. Sidewinder: dangerously cunning or devious person. All material is copy written by Sidewinder. See How The Cat Jumps A metaphorical expression meaning, to discover the secrets or designs of others. Swad A lump, mass, or hunch, also, a crowd. Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions. 1. Spider A cast iron frying-pan with three legs. Their job was to keep the ladies in line. Sagebrush MenCowboywho worked in the arid portions of Montana, Colorado and Wyoming. Bouncing Large, heavy. sidewinder is SERIOUSLY trying to get me to snort said coffee through my nose. Biggity Large, extravagant, grand, hauty. Established miners, weary of all the newcomers, called them tenderfoots.. Sound on the Goose True, staunch, reliable. Midwestern Slang. Savey or Sabby Corrupted from the Spanish saber, to know.To know, to comprehend. Box Herder The person in charge of the girls at a brothel or saloon. What in the Sam Hill are you doing?, Sand Guts; courage; toughness. When they do emerge, these large lizards feed on eggs and small mammals such as mice and rabbits, other lizards, and insects. Soft Soap or Soft Sawder Flattery; blarney. Rode hard and put away wet. In the mid-15th century the word meant any young horned animal; by the 17th century, it had been applied to new military recruits. This hybrid language is an American classic and probably one of the reasons the cowboy is so warmly regarded as a true western original. Beef To kill. Skin-Flint A tight or close-fisted person with their money. Berdache An Indian male who dressed and lived entirely as a woman, fulfilling a cultural role within the tribe. A large, tall person. There could be another explanation for the insult. From 1846, based on an earlier (1785) expression be nuts upon (to be very fond of), which itself arose from the use of nuts for any source of pleasure (c. 1610). American English. Simon Pure The real thing, a genuine fact. 26225 Blade Sidewinder. Bible A small packet of papers used to roll cigarettes. At first, a redneck was used as a derogatory term for a Scottish immigrant. The Western. Scratch - To come to the encounter, begin a fight, i.e. Bend an Elbow Have a drink. Salt-Lick A saline spring, where animals resort for drink. Since I have been converted, but I try to bear the load, The word first became tied to lawyers especially of the slimy variety in 1857. Automatic; Big Bore.30/.303 Caliber; 9mm/.357 Caliber.45 Caliber.50 Caliber; This was the era before refrigeration, so the gut-wagon was, especially in the summer, a steaming pile of bloody, smelly carnage that attracted all sorts of scavengers. Wouldnt it be great to get your hands on some of those books now. The phrase stick up for, meaning defend, is from 1823. The verb to hold up, meaning to stop by force and rob, didnt arise until 1887, apparently from the robbers command to raise hands. Then, in a completely other source I found this: Sally gave birth to a bouncing baby girl. Off ones nut as a slang synonym for insane arose c. 1860. Slicker A group of vigilantes who operated in Missouri in the first half of the 19th Century. Batting His Eyes A gamblers term for men who look on but dont play. Safecracker (also safe-cracker): individual with a talent for liberating money from locked vaults. ShaverA child or young person of either sex; What a cute little shaver., Shaver One that is close in bargains, or a sharp dealer. Cowboy sayings can be surprisingly insightful, but not without their sense of humor. This is a term used to express astonishment, exhaustion, relief, and dismay. Broomtail A long, bushy-tailed range mare, usually unbroken. Uffda. thanks so much. High Quality: These rotary cutter blades are made of high-quality steel for the durability you need to get back to work. Hustler: in 1825, a thief, especially one who roughed up his victims. Give the sidewinder. Clearly, using son of a bitch is insulting both the person and his mother. Slab-sided Straight, stiff. Originally applied to Scottish immigrants who wore red neck scarves during the American Colonial period, the word shifted meaning as it traveled west, possibly in reference to the notion farmers necks became sunburned because they looked down as they worked in their fields, leaving the backs of their necks exposed. Seven by Nine Something or someone of inferior or common quality. Good for foot traffic, wheelchairs, and golf carts. 1. ya'll = all of you. A cook who could and would make them was highly regarded. Hotdish. Sidewinder: dangerously cunning or devious person. But a lead-footed person in the Old West was one who moved too slowly and awkwardly. Badlands From a French term meaning bad country for travel. The term applied to barren areas of South Dakota, as well as other inhospitable western locations. His horse riding abilities are no greatshakes. Also means a moment, an instant. Son of a gun: politer version of the epithet son of a bitch, indicating extreme contempt. Signalize To communicate information by means of signals or telegraph. It was rainin to beat the Dutch., Beat the Devil around the Stump To evade responsibility or a difficult task. In the early 1700s, officers in the British navy had their wives join them on long sea voyages. Shine To take the shine off, is to surpass in beauty or excellence. $159.95. Blow To taunt; to ridicule. Near cattle ranchers and slaughterhouses, there was often a man whose job it was to drive a gut-wagon. Take a gander at the beautiful woman wearing the expensive jewels. He behaved himself more wisely than all, so that his name was much set by.. Kathleen, what an interesting collection of terms! Arose 1887 from the earlier (1846) verb stick up, meaning to rob someone at gunpoint. Bag of Nails Everything in confusion, topsy-turvy. Gun owners routinely unloaded and thoroughly cleaned their guns. Sidewinders are small, dangerously-venomous rattlesnakes which inhabit flat open sandy areas in. The word arose prior to 1897, when it appeared in Owen Wisters A Journey in Search of Christmas. The phrase "stick up for," meaning defend, is from 1823. The term originated in the Old West cattle ranches. Staddle A young tree; a tree left to grow when others are cut. Gunslinger: No such term existed in the Old West. Arch Stanton, Amazon review. Buckle To Set about any task with energy and a determination. These 11 Midwest slang terms are sure to bring all Midwesterners back to their childhood, especially if they have since moved away. Made from a durable polymer with a textured, non-skid surface. Strapping Huge, lusty, bouncing, as, a strapping lass. Screaming - First-rate, splendid. Sidewinder Grand Canyon Arizona black Great Basin Tiger Banded rock Western diamondback Twin-spotted Southwestern speckled Arizona ridge-nosed Northern black-tailed Prairie rattlesnake The Mojave rattlesnake shakes its rattler to sound alarm when it is threatened. Back Staircase A derisive term for a bustle. First Known Use: 14th century.. There are currently over 1840 entries. 1866 from the 1560s usage of heel to mean attaching spurs to a gamecocks feet. Backdoor Trots - Diarrhea. . Army aviation elements may use a different nomenclature, as the nature of helicopter -fired weapons is almost always air-to-surface. Someone to Ride the River With A person to be counted on; reliable; got it where it counts. (1548) $19.99. They were just not ripe. $279.95. Dude: a fastidious man; fop or clotheshorse. 14. Stockman heel. Dates at least to 1818. Was often used to open bank vault. Grab the underwear with two hands and lift the person into the air. That happened because Southerners hated the Union soldiers. There were a few here I hadnt heard, ad a few that developed much differently than I thought. Old West settlers borrowed this insult from the Spanish sometime in the 1840s. We will be moving soon and I think a sign on the door saying, GTT would be appropriate. Sharps Any firearm manufactured Christian Sharps for his Sharps Rifle Company. MENU MENU. Swag A term used in speaking of booty lately obtained. Also used to refer to a nagging or complaining woman. The word is pure Hollywood, from the early days of western movies. Stave Off To push away as with a staff, to delay, as, to stave off the execution of the project. Bible Bump A bump (or cyst) on the wrist or hand that old timers say would disappear if whacked by a large book such as the bible. Son of a gun, in turn, could be an insult to the person and his father. Hogleg: large revolver. You got sand, thats fer shore.. Ain't Pronunciation: 'Ant Etymology: Contraction of are not Date: 1778 Am not: are not: is not Have not: has not Theres a dance Saturday, so put on your best bib and tucker.. Sidewinder | sku: . Sugar Kiss or loving. Broken Wind A lung infection in horses. Bocking Cotton or woollen cloth used to cover floors or to protect carpets. I like pistoleros! Leavin' Cheyenne: Going away In the cold winter, however, the molasses got thicker and stiffer, making it challenging to pour it out of the jug. Bacon - Meaning to save one's self from injury. Banquette The name for a side-walk in some of Southern cities. These men, with a special type of horse sense earned not only the esteem of the other cowboys, but usually better wages. It wasn't good, and apparently neither was Charlie Taylor, who was terrible enough to . Smoke Pole Six-gun, also referred to as a smoke wagon.. A saddle stiff driving the herd along the trail, 1905. Bogus A liquor made of rum and molasses. Super stuff, Kathleen. Slang-Whanger A writer or noisy talker. "Fox" is short for "foxtrot", the NATO phonetic designation for the letter "F . They were overzealous and under experienced, a combination that could get someone in trouble. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Originated from common window panes of that size. Bishop An appendage to a ladys wardrobe, more commonly called a bustle. By Hook or Crook To do any way possible. These are some of the most common (and not so common) Southern slang terms heard in Arkansas and throughout the South. Although Karen lives in the Midwest, she likes to put the emphasis on the "west." Cabrn: an outlaw of low breeding and even lower principles. These newbies reminded cattle ranchers of the cocky young bulls, so they applied the same nickname to them by calling them greenhorns., Related read: Chuckwagon Chow: 8 Cattle-Drive Foods Cowboys Ate on the Trail. "No great scratch.". Most often found in very sandy areas, they are sometimes found in rocky areas. Shake Up To obtain, get, procure. That leads you to salvation in the White-chapel Road. NOW IN A BOOK FORMMore Terms, Expanded Definitions + Reverse Lookup + More Pictures. Stretchin the Blanket Telling a tall tale. No great scratch.. Been Through the Mill Been through a lot, seen it all. Cold-blooded: unfeeling, dispassionate, cruel. They seek to profit from the misfortunes of others and are quick to swoop in to take advantage of a tragic situation for their own personal gain. YOUR20. Bluebelly was a slang word for a Union soldier, but it evolved into an insult for a cocky person during and after the war. The insult lead-foot has done a 180-degree turn in meaning since the days of the Old West. And if Thanksgiving isn't at her house, she'll bring a hotdisha casserole with a starch, a meat and a canned or frozen vegetable, all mixed with soup from (you guessed it) a can. American West/Cowboy - Vocabulary and Slang. Boosily Lazily, in a state of intoxication. And means, to hang about. Heeler: unscrupulous political lackey. What sidewinder spilled my drink? It can be used to describe a person or an event. Druthers. The Western Sidewinder delivers a fast rate of fire in semiautomatic or fullautomatic with the flip of a switch at theback of the breech block! They're also guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face, no. They say I must be balmy to go and join the army, 1. Skilts Brown trowsers formerly worn in New England, that reach just below the knees. $20 Off Select Women's Boots: Prices as marked, Valid Limited Time. A common idiom during the 1800s was "Well, I'll be hornswoggled!" Other. The Sidewinder's picatinny scope rail is mounted on top of a full length tactical barrel cover that accepts side rails for accessories like lasers, red dots or lights. Newcomers to the Old West often behaved like young bulls. Heeled up: armed. Some of them I knew so gave me a good laugh. Santiago Coronados favorite charge was Santiago, Spanish for St.James, Spains soldier saint. Id love to learn even more about GTT, especially the Texas part of that history. ; Colorado Desert Sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes laterorepens)-The range of this pit viper extends from the southeastern part . Hold on, Ill get to it a couple ofshakes. Also means a good opportunity, offer, bargain, or chance. (Let's move these cattle.) The 1950s had their own slang terms, the 1960s did so as well, along with the '70s. To save ones bacon. Mouthpiece: from 1805, one who speaks on behalf of others. Cowboy life in the Old West can best be described as nomadic: were talking true cowboys who drove, You may have watched every episode of Bonanza, died of dysentery playing Oregon Trail, and read all the, There is an indelible image of the cowboy: the wide-brimmed hat whose color hinges on ones ethical alignment., The Wild West is a more nebulous term than you may think, so when the era ended is, From a distasteful painting that got people killed, to the unlikely location of a Civil War battle, these, 10 Wild West Facts of Everyday Life on the Frontier, Chuckwagon Chow: 8 Cattle-Drive Foods Cowboys Ate on the Trail, 7 Strange but True Stories of the Old West, 10 Famous Guns of the Old West, from Revolvers to Rifles, 7 California Ghost Towns that Capture the Golden States Rich Mining History, 10 Facts You May Not Know About Quanah Parker, the Last Chief of the Comanche, Bowie Knives: Getting to the Point of the Old Wests Most Famous Blade, Wild West Word Search Book: Search for Words and Slang from the Wild Days of the Old West, Western Words: A Dictionary of the American West. Today, when we say someone is lead-footed, it means that they drive too fast. Spill A strip of paper rolled up to light a lamp or or a cigar. the southern deserts. Bobtail Guard The first cowboy guarding the cattle at night. Stop-and-go light. Just like the snakes they were named after, sidewinders were dangerous, slick, and evil. The poor, uneducated hick was the one with the red neck. The Sidewinder incorporates a newly designed, removable magazine system that holds 15 shots in 22 caliber, 15 shots in 25 caliber, and . Westerners picked up the word as derisive slang for any city dweller out of his element on the rough frontier. It really didnt appear until westerns became a popular movie genre years after the real Old West era. Yellow dog: contemptible person. Scratching Rake - A comb. (MA student at Western Kentucky University) compiled and edited the Slang Journals. I want to be shut of you!. Setting-Pole A pole pointed with iron, used for propelling vessels or boats up rivers. Dan Post Men's Denton All-Over Overlay Western Boots - Snip Toe. Skunk Cabbage A strong-scented, repulsive plant. High yellow: offensive term for light-skinned person of mixed white and black ancestry. The Western Airguns Sidewinder air rifle is the latest model from this company. Some expressions don't carry over from province to province. Sawdust Counterfeit gold-dust or money. Hes been known to bend an elbow with the boys.. Black To look black at one is to look at one with anger or deep resentment. Cowboys used the phrase duded up to mean dressed up. Contemporary usage of dude as a minor term of endearment or indication of spiritual kinship arose in Californias surfer culture during the latter half of the 20th century. Panhandle: to beg. Betty A pear-shaped bottle wound around with straw which contains Italian olive oil. A freelance writer who specializes in American history, Karen has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Central Michigan University and a master's degree in English from Indiana University. Arose as American slang c. 1896. They feed almost exclusively on rodents and lizards. Bungo A kind of boat used at the South. The gut-wagon went from butcher to butcher, collecting the animal guts, bones, and other organic byproducts from the days butchering and meat processing. Beat the Dutch To beat all or beat the devil. Common among the tribes of the Americas, these men-women had social and religious powers. $24.99. Shoot the Crow Obtain a drink in a saloon and leave without paying. Bamboozle To deceive, impose upon, confound. Snotted Being reprimanded, hauled over the coals. Grayback: Confederate soldier, based on the color of their coats. Confidence-Trick man is sidewinder western slang American classic and probably one of the recent full moon,. 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