scott vieira station fire

He was sentenced to fifteen years, with four to serve in prison and 11 years suspended, plus three years probation, and released on parole in March 2008. Barylick and other attorneys for the plaintiffs pursued others, who were more removed from the events of the night, but were closer to the kind of money that a court would be likely to award. All of it. Standing just a few feet from the stage, on the right, they had a clear view. Richmond said he first learned that his daughter was at The Station expecting to see fireworks when he went to the scene that night. In the wake of the tragedy, the fire regulations were tightened. For me the facts are if the band had not used fireworks, the fire would not have happened. . March 21, 2000: Brothers Michael A. and Jeffrey A. Derderian . During that conversation, Warner had thrown out a few suggestions as to how they could deaden the noise; they could install a false wall on that side of the building. Richard A. Cabral Jr,friend of Skott Greene both died, Dina Ann DeMaio;Station Bartender (main bar) killed, Kevin J. Dunn His friend John Gibbs escaped, James GahanNichols College DJ and Guest of Great White; killed, Michael J. Gonsalves;"Dr. Metal" DJ at WHJY; killed, Pamela Gruttadauria; club patron and co worker of Donna Mitchell, Michael Hoosgasiantattoo customer, guest of Great White, Tracy F. Kingfront door security man died saving others, Ty LongleyGreat White guitarist killed in the fire. The firefighters were killed in a plane crash while conducting aerial reconnaissance over the Cedar Basin Fire near the Prescott National Forest, the Bureau of Land Management said in a statement. They bought cheap packing foam. He lives for that. Despite his mixed emotions about the settlement, Babcock says, John and the other lawyers were brilliant in how they brought about the conclusion of the case, which, he says, was good for the state of Rhode Island and closed this sad chapter., And in spite of an outcome generally favoring the plaintiffs, the case had personal rewards for Babcock. Donna Cormier didnt see who set the pyrotechnics off she was, in her own words, looking at Jack Russell because shes in love with him but she did see what happened next. And avid snowboarder Barylick, who hits the slopes whenever he gets the chance, still occasionally graces a stage, singing with a group that reenacts 1940s radio shows. Wildfires are also raging in western Idaho and southeast Washington, prompting both Idaho Gov. That, recalls Babcock, was very clever., By summer 2008, after nearly five years of wrangling, settlements that totaled $176,193,718 were struck in principle with almost all of the defendants. As of Saturday evening, the Beckwourth Complex Fire, which was sparked by lightning on June 30, spanned more than 60,000 acres across two states and was 9 percent contained.Nearly 1,800 personnel . One Year into the Russia-Ukraine War, Whats Next? Barylicks firm was one of eight that pooled money and manpower to comb through more than 700 pieces of evidence and survivor testimony to decide whom to target in the civil suit. View the 2022 Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps for the 2007 Maps please scroll down below. She didn't like the music," Richmond told the Journal. In the video above, watch episode one of new online documentary series The Station by filmmaker David Bettencourt (COM01). Some went for the music, some for the company they were with. July 1946: Brothers Casey and Henry Lada open a gin mill in the building that will one day become The Station nightclub. has written for many publications and websites, including theNew York Times Magazine,The Atlantic, theBoston Globe,Yankee,Outside,Redbook, theTimes of London,,, and Inside, it was t-shirts and shorts hot, as hundreds of eager bodies pressed forwards to see the stage or reach the bar. In her witness statement later Brenda said, The pyrotechnics were going off for a while ten or fifteen seconds, which is a long time in my eyes for that to go off. So, I just laid there, and I just leaned in my head a little bit when I found an air pocket and I felt cool air coming in. local Four nonstop. Hes a trial lawyer, says Barylick. Back around the front of the building, chaos reigns. Or, they could buy foam. We must be vigilant in our efforts to prevent wildfires, and the loss of life and destruction of land and property that comes with them, Inslee said in a statement. One minute and fifty seconds after the pyrotechnics began, Butler is back at the front doors of the Station. When Fisher realised, she said, What did I do?. The story of the tragic 2003 Station Nightclub fire in Rhode. Our hearts are heavy tonight with sincere condolences to families, loved ones and firefighters affected by this tragic aviation accident that occurred today in Arizona on the #CedarBasinFire. I never imagined that anyone ever would be.I know how this tragedy has devastated me, but I can only begin to understand what the people who lost loved ones have endured. Miraculously, he suffered no severe injuries; just four burns to his left leg. Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected. This goes back to the noise complaints that neighbours had made. There had once been an exit on this side by the bathrooms but it had been blocked off long ago. Jay Inslee to declare emergencies in their states. Lacking sprinklers and with exits that violated fire codes, the club packed in nearly 100 more people than its legal occupancy allowed for the oversold Great White concertand even the legal number was based on a bogus standing-room formula. Scott Vieira is asked indirectly by prosecutors whether he blocked the stage door. He was just leaving when he heard a radio call from Patrolman Bettencourt inside. In addition, criminal charges were brought. The money, which finally found its way to the plaintiffs in 2010, came from 28 of the defendants, who agreed to part with amounts ranging from $1,000 to the $30 million paid by Babcocks deep-pocketed client LINthe amount negotiated and agreed upon by LINs insurance companies. He had been assigned by Channel 12 to get some generic nightclub footage for their reporter Jeff Derderian who also happened to be co-owner of The Station. Vieira earned a bachelor's degree from Austin Peay State University. Combing through evidence, Barylick was reminded time and again how the smallest changes in architecture and procedure could have saved lives. Thats not good, a couple of seconds before the fire alarms start going off. Although there are no confirmed reports of building damage, the Beckwourth Complex Fire prompted evacuation orders or warnings for roughly 2,800 people along and the closure of nearly 200 square miles of Plumas National Forest. March 1 (UPI) -- March 1 marks the end of maxed-out assistance programs that helped more than 30 million people get by during the COVID-19 pandemic. Barylick and Babcock, both School of Law graduates, found themselves on opposite sides of a legal action that would consume much of the next seven years. They get paid to work. Reconstructing The Station Nightclub Fire Computer Modeling of the Fire Growth and Spread NIST. "When I first saw Scott there, I asked him what was going on," said Richmond. I agree that there were bigger entities at fault than the owners, but when youre lobbying the state to change laws to suit your interests, things get a little less ethically sound. (CBSLA) The Jim Fire was reported at 11:20 a.m. Wednesday along Holy Jim Trail, roughly halfway . Intense fighting continues in Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Or had he, as Babcock maintains, been assisting others as they surged toward the exit, guided by the light of his camera? WASHINGTON, March 1 (UPI) -- House Republicans on Wednesday blamed immigration at the southern border for an increasing number of fentanyl deaths, stepping up their criticisms of Biden administration policies. At this point, many patrons of the Station were already trying to leave. March 1 (UPI) -- Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney is joining the University of Virginia's Center for Politics as a professor through the coming fall semester. It showed how truly quickly a fire can spread. They succumbed to the combined effects of 1,000-degree heat, falling debris, and carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide from a lethal burning sandwich of polyethylene and polyurethane foam. She could feel her lips cracking from the heat as she tried to kick out a window. His clients were not criminally charged, but were defendants in a civil suit charging them with wrongful death or personal injury. He got as far as the vestibule area at the front between the front doors themselves and another set of doors., One BU Professor Helps Another Bury a War-Hero Relative, 75 Years Later, BU Opts against Forswearing Investments in Gun Manufacturers, 11 Books to Read in Celebration of Womens History Month, Today I Learned: The Smell of Formaldehyde Makes You Hungry, New Music March 2023: Local Boston Concerts, New Album Releases, Comics Artist Joel Christian Gill Launches BUs New Visual Narrative MFA Degree, Lincoln Struggled with Depression. There are many glitches in the law, but perhaps most difficult for families to accept was that generally Rhode Island law doesnt compensate families for their griefrather, it is a purely economic calculation, intended to replace the decedents lost net earnings and services to his dependents.. Scott Vieira was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. It should be noted that the fire code does not actually allow for its limits to be relaxed in this way. The thick smoke hangs barely a few inches above the ground. Probably the two most important pieces of evidence were the video shot inside the club that night, and the type of foam found to have been applied to the walls of the drummers alcove in 1996, Barylick says. In fact, Biechele had used them there before; he had been the tour manager when W.A.S.P. A small section around the front entrance remained standing, a mural of Ozzy Osbourne still visible beside the door with the clubs name still legible above his head, charred and blackened around the edges. Babcock, of course, would have welcomed the chance to argue his clients case before a jury. If only there was a way that it was made before the incident ever happened so that those lives could have been saved. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 2003 to 2008. Fisher responded, 350 people and one door doesnt work. She told Wagner theyd be crushed. Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. On and after July 1, 2021 when you sell property that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, you'll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection. I just didnt know it was that bad. Truly alarming. Debra Wagner, who had also been recruited to help sell t-shirts, told Fisher they should start for the front door. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Saturday to free up additional energy capacity for the power grid during the heat wave and growing fire threat. Biechele, who appears to be hurrying off the stage as flames grow in the background, and a club worker named Scott Vieira, whose fate in the fire could not be immediately determined yesterday. If he had done, he would have quickly seen it was inappropriate. It's sort of an "open secret" among the survivors. program and is located in Quinta de Geo, at the lot 28, of 4770 m2. Please reach out to your place of worship for more details. Butler is jostled and pushed along a wall; a womans scream pierces through the alarms as he passes through a door. Former Rhode Island resident and investigative journalist Scott James wrote a book about The Station nightclub fire called "Trial By Fire." . Of course, none of this would have been an issue if not for the fire, which was started by the use of pyrotechnics. She went to The Station the night of the Great White concert to say a quick hello to her husband, who escaped the deadly fire after working the door. ''Her family was everything to her. The grandfather clause was removed, so sprinklers would now be required in buildings of any age with a capacity of 100 or more, and extra training was given to fire marshals. The leader singer of the Great White, Jack Russell, was expected to testify, as was band guitarist Mark Kendall. The majority of the people that die were college students. Alongside the audience, the Station held plenty of people who were there to work. Barylick, who grew up in New Jersey, worked for IBM for three years before enrolling in LAW, while Brooklyn, N.Y., native Babcocks first job was as a sportswriter for the Philadelphia Inquirer. They died while responding to the Cedar Basin Fire near the Prescott National Forest: "Our hearts are heavy tonight," the Bureau of Land Management said. Criminal prosecutions. Butler put his camera over his shoulder, still running, and made his way through the crowd towards the front door. Alicia Victoria Lozano is a California-based reporter for NBC News focusing on climate change, wildfires and the changing politics of drug laws. All are welcome to attend! On the one hand, this is true of lawyers. Firefighters worked overnight and were able to contain the blaze by 8 a.m . More details to follow. Certain venues, like the Shark City sports bar in Glendale Heights, Illinois and the Ovation Club in Boynton Beach, Florida refused permission, and they performed without. It was sound-insulated over several years by various owners who used cheap and highly flammable materials that were installed by people who knew nothing about building safety. He is a disabled veteran who is studying journalism and creative writing. Instead, she grabbed a box of CDs to identify her as being with the band and aimed for the stage door. He said his daughter learned about the planned fireworks from her husband, Scott Vieira, who is friends with Kevin J. Beese Sr., the club's manager, and was working that night as a bouncer. Ive never seen them before, and as they were still going off, one caught the foam on fire and went from one side the first flame was probably the size of golf balls and just from that point on, took off and went vertically up the wall and then spread to the ceiling.. I never saw anything go that fast in all my life, and we saw a man run across the stage, I couldnt tell you who it was, I just saw a bottle of water being thrown at it, and I thought, That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.. In a tragic paradox, the club owner had decided to make a video about nightclub safety after learning of the February 17 stampede that caused the deaths of 21 patrons of the Chicago nightclub E2. Even more important, this is a lesson to others that laws will be enforced, and that ignoring them is not a way to make money. ", Prosecutors prepare closing arguments in Alex Murdaugh murder trial. Mike Gonsalves, better known to local radio listeners as the DJ Doctor Metal, was there to introduce the bands and Patrolman Anthony Bettencourt, of the West Warwick Police, was there on a private security detail, helping to keep the crowd in order. The fi. In total, the plaintiffs lawyers eventually shared nearly $58 million. Vieira, who grew up in Swansea, married Scott, 41, and moved to Rhode Island shortly after high school. The building had been built before the law was introduced, so it was exempt. Then they pulled again. There was one more thing: Butlers taping was Derderians idea. The image on the left is the last image of Katie O'Donnell. Just the high pitched whistle of the fire alarms, and screams. Professional performers, Great White dont look behind them at their special effects. This was not the first time that a fire in a nightclub had caused such devastation, and sadly it wouldnt be the last, either. That is simple. This is their job. Theyll be in serious physical pain for the rest of their lives. The mission of The Station Fire Memorial Foundation is to ensure that our loved ones receive a proper memorial upon the sacred ground where their lives were so tragically cut short. That was enough to draw in a few national tours as well as the usual fare of local covers bands. What We Can Learn from It Today, Bidens Legal Strategy Could Result in Supreme Court Scuttling His Student Loan Cancellation Program, Study Abroad Planning: A BU Student Offers Tips, Tricks, and Insights. Its title comes from a boast by heavy metal band Great White lead singer Jack Russell on that fateful night. The kind that gives off cyanide gas when burned. The lawyers dont seem to be evil or greedy people. This ties the value from August 16, 2020 as the highest readings since 1913. "She didn't like the band. Brad Little and Washington Gov. He is a disabled veteran who is studying journalism and creative writing. Kevin R. Washburn. Much has changed since the last anniversary of The Station nightclub fire a 2003 blaze sparked by pyrotechnics for the '80s rock band Great White that killed 100 people. As of Saturday evening, the Beckwourth Complex Fire, which was sparked by lightning on June 30, spanned more than 60,000 acres across two states and was 9 percent contained. Nella, this fire was only 10 years ago. They got me out. THE HOUSE THAT WE WERE RENTING (HE WAS UPSTAIRS AND I WAS DOWNSTAIRS WITH MY LITTLE GIRL) CAUGHT FIRE. Some time later, he dropped off a sample for them. When I heard them, Im like, Okay, theyre closer, Im still not burning so things are good. Then I waited for them to come in, and I could hear the walkie-talkies all their equipment, and I said, Okay, good, I hear that, thats the next step. Butlers video camera stayed on the door for more than two minutes. "We're looking at unprecedented early fire season [and] extreme fire behavior," said incident commander Rocky Opliger during a community meeting Saturday. Like most plaintiffs trial lawyers, Barylick had worked on a contingency fee, with his firms payment deducted from his clients shares of the final settlement. Katie was with her friend Bridget Sanetti.The two young ladies were trapped in the bathroom when the fire started. Killer Show: The Station Nightclub Fire, America's Deadliest Rock Concert. The Jim Fire burns in the Cleveland National Forest in Riverside County, Calif. March 2, 2022. Patrolman Mark Knott was patrolling the area, and had stopped in at the Station to perform a security check. Here is Gina's firsthand account Andy Bell, a spokesman for the Missouri Highway Patrol's Troop A said the house where the shooting happened still had not been cleared, as the standoff reached 14 hours. Skott C. Greene. And second, WPRI cameraman Brian Butler was filming inside the club at the time of the fire. The first mini-episode was on the Cavan Orphanage Fire, and the latest is about the Byford Dolphin Incident. Scott Vieira was among those who escaped the fire. Vargas stated that it was 12:30 almost an hour and a half after the fire started when he was eventually pulled out and put into an ambulance. Fire officials said the flames had initially spread over a 40-foot-by-20-foot trash pile that rose about 10 feet high. Vieira, a mother of two girls, died Saturday at the Shriner's Burn Center in Boston of burns suffered in the fire, raising the death toll to 98, the fourth worst nightclub fire in U.S. history in term of fatalities. Raymond F Beauchaine; critically injured, his wife was killed. March 1 (UPI) -- The companies associated with two shipping vessels will pay a settlement of $96.5 million to Amplify Energy over a 2021 oil spill off the coast of Southern California. One guy was burnt beyond recognition to my right. They petitioned the Rhode Island House and Senate judiciary committees and persuaded the legislature to bring the state into line with most others and provide for a straight dollar-for-dollar setoff when one of many defendants settles. If the legal system is not there to make it economically unfeasible to flout the law (like the Station repeatedly did), then companies will continue to act illegally because it makes them more money. I dont know that Ill ever forgive myself for what happened that night, so I cant expect anybody else to.I can only pray that they understand that I would do anything to undo what happened that night and give them back their loved ones.Im so sorry for what I have done, and I dont want to cause anyone any more pain.I will never forget that night, and I will never forget the people that were hurt by it. Californias northern mountain areas have experienced several large fires that have destroyed more than a dozen homes. He was released in June 2009 for good behaviour. . Just three nights before, twenty one people had been killed in a crush at a Chicago nightclub when everyone tried to get out of one exit at once. Instead, they lie one atop another, head forwards, arms desperately reaching out for help, trapped in the doorway with choking smoke above them. "Climate change is considered a key driver" of the state's recent wildfire woes, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said earlier this year. They could use curtains. Business job is to make money. And she was the one who made sure there was always a plate of leftovers in the fridge when her husband, Scott, a bouncer at The Station, got home late from the nightclub just blocks from their West Warwick home. [] Ten years later, the Station fire []. The burned remnants of The Station nightclub, after . Meanwhile, the Bootleg Fire in southern Oregon doubled in size Saturday to nearly 77,000 acres in the Fremont-Winema National Forest, interrupting three electrical lines that transmit power from Oregon to California, energy officials said. The counsel told Babcock, a partner in Jackson Walker, about two potentially costly connections that linked LIN to the deadly blaze. Great White publicity photo from 1986. He moved quickly at first, but at the far end of the room comes practically to a standstill. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And I fell down, and I felt a couple things burn my leg, felt people screaming, and then I didnt feel any more heat, I was just sweating from the bodies on top of me, but it wasnt like, you know, I wasnt burning or anything like that. How it works, and why it works the way it does, is described in Killer Show: The Station Nightclub Fire, Americas Deadliest Rock Concert (University Press of New England, 2012), written by Barylick. LOS ANGELES Two firefighters were killed Saturday in Arizona as wildfires raged through the West, threatening California's overburdened power grid during an oppressive heat wave and ongoing drought. Barylick was a theater person, and Babcock favored athletics, first basketball and then crew. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! They keep playing, not seeing what the crowd and Butlers camera can see. Vieira, a mother of two girls, died Saturday at the Shriner's Burn Center in Boston of burns suffered in the fire, raising the death toll to 98, the fourth worst nightclub fire in U.S.. Were facing a serious situation here on the grid.. The owners of The Station rock concert club have denied they were aware the heavy metal band Great White planned to use the fireworks that touched off the Feb. 20 fire. While Babcock fended off assaults on LIN, the battery of defense attorneys set to work constructing legal bulwarks around the manufacturers and distributors of the flammable foam; Anheuser-Busch, which held a Budweiser promotion at the Station that night; and the company Clear Channel, which paid the emcee passing out Budweiser T-shirts and hats. Nearly 1,800 personnel were assigned to the fire while an excessive heat advisory remains in effect for the area through Tuesday. This information was provided by the owners and taken at face value. Vieira, 40, worked as a physical therapy assistant at Orthopedic Associates in Cranston, a job that required unyielding patience, a gentle touch, and a persistent sense of humor. Not that the audience that night particularly cared about that they just wanted a good night out. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Each would find his way to the law, but they had very different interests. There is a shrine for Fred Crisostomi, a painter who decided at the last minute to check out the concert, bringing his girlfriend, Gina Russo, a medical secretary and mother of two. Shawn Patrick Sweet. So Barylick and his team went after the law. McGovern devised a system specifying a base point value for every death, which was increased depending on the victims age and whether there were children or a spouse. The problem was with how those doors were laid out. She would do anything for them.''. They showed us this video, with a count-up clock. And although none was a heavy metal fan, as Barylick puts it, You just never know. As it turned out, his daughter was an EMT at the time, and knew many of the first responders. The fire was started by.Fernando Tvora. Dina DeMaio was waitressing; Jennifer Choquette and Julie Mellini tended bar. Then, just after eleven oclock, the headliners took to the stage, and Butler was in a pretty good position to film them. As church bells tolled for each of the 98 victims Sunday in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, a memorial service and funeral were held in Hubbard, Ohio, for band guitarist Ty Longley, 31, who died in the fire. Babcock was among 60 defense attorneys who worked the case. According to relatives, Vieira planned to leave the nightclub after the first couple of songs because she had to be at work early the next morning. When the fire started, that building held from 50 to 100 people more than its stated capacity, which was inflated by negligent fire inspectors. The guy to my left I heard screaming Get me out, get me out, get me out.. "Washington is facing a historic drought and we have already experienced record-breaking heat. During the Great White tour, they had sometimes used pyrotechnics, and sometimes not. According to her statement, when the band came on she was surprised that the pyrotechnics were so big; she also stated that she saw the right side catch fire right away. And that's when the crowd realizes this is a real danger and we have to get out of here. Not an issue when nobodys in a hurry to leave, but once a crowd is crushed into that small space, it made it far too easy for somebody to lose their footing. This wasnt noticed by the fire marshal during his inspections. 101 memorials Page of 6 Louis S. Alves 1 Oct 1969 - 20 Feb 2003 Mount Saint Mary Cemetery Pawtucket, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA Plot info: sec 7 lot 0991 2 We may not be able to change what has been but we certainly can change what is. Laureen M. ''Laurie'' (DeSantis) Beauchaine, 78 Wilbur Ave Cranston, 02920 | Station Fire Memorial Foundation | 501(c)(3) charitable organization, Upcoming 20th Anniversary Prayer services. Stacie . It had started life as a navy bar in the Second World War, and went through various incarnations along the way, but in 2003 it was a rock club. The 2003 Talent Buyers Directory, a guide book used by agents to find venues for their bands, listed the Station with a capacity of 550 people. Next, there was the issue of exits. Linda Fisher was in an area to the right of the stage, usually used as a pool room, which had windows from floor to ceiling, like a greenhouse. A sprinkler system would have cost the Derderians about $39,000 dollars. Most of the witness statements are in the 3rd Phase folder. Boston University moderates comments to facilitate an informed, substantive, civil conversation. The Station Fire Memorial Foundation is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable organization and as such donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules. Kristine Carbone. The Station Fire: 100 victims in photos The Station Fire: 100 victims in photos 98 PHOTOS More Stories Has fire prevention in RI improved since The Station fire? In analysing the Station nightclub fire, it is difficult to point to one single factor that made it so deadly. By 11:06, many had not. It had been a restaurant before it was a bar, and as a bar its occupancy had been gradually increased. Source: Wikipedia (Fair Use). Scott vieira is positively the evil bouncer's name. She was the one who jumped behind the wheel when her daughter Crystle, 18, needed a ride to sports practice at West Warwick High School. The man that had been standing at he was a staffer hed been standing at the door for considerable amount of the evening, put his hand, uh, a couple of the band members went off the stage directly in front of us, they were heading out the door, and the staff man put his arm up and said, You have to use the other exit.. "She went there just to see the fireworks, hear one song and go home.". Diagram showing the location of victims. The Station Fire Memorial Foundation is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable organization and as such donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules. A memorial to Great White member Ty Longley, who died in the fire, is detailed with frets like the neck of a guitar. For more information about requesting an Assembly Bill 38 Defensible . We removed several dozen more people with the assistance of several unknown civilians.. The following has been adapted from the book The Circus Fire by Stewart ONan. There were flame-retardant foams available, but the Derderians didnt buy that kind. And that's when the crowd realizes this is a real . Jeff Derderian was given a 10-year suspended sentence, three years probation, and 500 hours of community service. The crowd ahead of him, mostly clad in black t-shirts, greet the band enthusiastically with arms raised, some fists punching the air in time to the beat, others throwing the devils horn signs which have become traditional for rock fans. Comments will be rejected local covers bands is back at the lot 28, of course, would quickly! As Barylick puts it, You just never know so Barylick and his team went after the began. There, I asked him what was going on, '' said Richmond August 16, 2020 as the readings! Californias northern mountain areas have experienced several large fires that have destroyed more than two minutes rest... 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