franco ottoman alliance

The Franco-Ottoman Alliance shared a military and commercial alliance, they also entered into a cultural exchange agreement. Frances cross-confessional foreign policy was institutionalized long before the [28] Foreign vessels had to trade with Turkey under the French banner, after the payment of a percentage of their trade. [41] The campaign of Saint-Blancard with the Ottomans was written down in Le Voyage du Baron de Saint Blancard en Turquie, by Jean de la Vega, who had accompanied Saint-Blancard in his mission. A Vile, Infamous, Diabolical Treaty: The Franco-Ottoman Alliance of Francis I and the Eclipse of the Christendom Ideal. WebThe Franco-Ottoman Alliance, also known as the Franco-Turkish Alliance, was an alliance established in 1536 between the King of France Francis I and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman I. France isn't that weird a nation to ally with for the Ottomans, however. Mmoire de Master, Dir. Christine Isom-Verhaarens book is not a history of the Franco-Ottoman alliance in the 16th century; rather its aim is to show how the Ottomans and French of the time saw this alliance, which has so often been presented by later historians as exceptional and shameful, and why its real meaning and historical context were misunderstood. Waley and D.P. [103], An embassy was again sent to Louis XIII in 1607, and from Mehmed IV to Louis XIV in 1669 in the person of ambassador Mteferrika Sleyman Aa, who created a sensation at the French court and even triggered a Turkish fashion. A Franco-Turkish fleet was stationed in Marseilles by the end of 1536, threatening Genoa. Even with Spain and Denmark as allies and the combined land of Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Bohemia I'm losing horribly. [6], Meanwhile, Charles V was manoeuvring to form a Habsburg-Persian alliance with Persia, so that the Ottoman Empire would be attacked on its rear. [118] French authors used the East as a way to enrich their philosophical work and a pretext to write comments on the West: Montesquieu wrote the Lettres Persannes in 1721, a satirical essay on the West, Voltaire used the Oriental appeal to write Zare (1732) and Candide (1759). [117], By the end of the 17th century, the first major defeats of the Ottoman Empire reduced the perceived threat in European minds, which led to an artistic craze for Turkish things. WebLalliance franco-ottomane, ou alliance franco-turque, est une alliance tablie en 1536 entre le roi de France Franois Ier et le souverain turc de l'Empire ottoman, Soliman le Magnifique. [68] French novels and tragedies were written with the Ottoman Empire as a theme or background. [118] Orientalism started to become hugely popular, first with the works of Jean-Baptiste van Mour, who had accompanied the embassy of Charles de Ferriol to Constantinople 1699 and stayed there until the end of his life in 1737, and later with the works of Boucher or Fragonard.[118]. Know that it will be as said. [63] Polin was back to Toulon on 2 October 1544.[63]. According to Afyoncu, the Franco-Ottoman alliance was a symbol of the Ottoman mercy upon a deeply troubled French king a historic reality which French President Macron seems to be unaware of in light of his insensitive remarks against Turkey, the successor state of the Ottoman Empire. [58] The Ottomans departed from their Toulon base in May 1544 after Francis I had paid 800,000 ecus to Barbarossa. [4] Numerous Ottoman embassies were received at the French court: from Suleiman I to Francis I in 1533, from Suleiman I to Charles IX in 1565 (embassy of Hajji Murad),[65] from Selim II to Charles IX in 1571, from Murad III to Henry III in 1581. [19] Antonio Rincon presented Suleiman with a magnificent four-tiered tiara, made in Venice for 115,000 ducats. The great emperor of the Turks does with as great devotion as any prince in the world honour and observe the religion by him received from his ancestors, and yet detests he not the strange religions of others; but on the contrary permits every man to live according to his conscience: yes, and that more is, near unto his palace at Pera, suffers four diverse religions viz. Armed vessels have the habit of hastening to Constantinople. He studied Arabic and also learned about Islamic culture. Being a rev. In the Battle of Ponza in front of the island of Ponza with 40 galleys of Andrea Doria, the Franco-Ottoman fleet managed to vanquish them and capture 7 galleys on 5 August 1552. He succeeded in having a new foundry built to make howitzers, and was instrumental in the creation of mobile artillery units. [93] When Henri left to return to France in 1575, he was succeeded by Stephen Bthory of Poland, who also had been supported by the Ottomans in obtaining the Transylvanian throne in 1571. How it all started Francis I [4] In this action 110 Ottoman galleys, amounting to 30,000 men,[54] combined with 50 French galleys. [39] where they were met by the French Admiral Baron de Saint-Blancard with 12 galleys in early September 1537. After failing to capture the tower of Sal, the fleet raided the Spanish coast from Tortosa to Collioure, finally wintering in Marseilles with 30 galleys from 15 October 1536 (the first time a Turkish fleet laid up for the winter in Marseilles). [89] Further, the Ottomans supported the Calvinists in Transylvania and Hungary but also in France. Jean de la Fort also had secret military instructions to organize a combined offensive on Italy in 1535:[31] Through the negotiations of de La Fort with the Grand Vizier Ibrahim Pasha it was agreed that combined military operations against Italy would take place, in which France would attack Lombardy while the Ottoman Empire would attack from Naples. ", Napoleon had toppled the Mamluk beys, the effective rulers of Egypt under nominal Ottoman suzerainty, but still raised the French flag side by side with the Ottoman banner throughout the Egyptian territory, claiming his love for Islam, and saying that they were saving the Ottomans from the Mamluks. par Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire, Universit de Nice, 2007, 292 p. Antoine Escalin des Aimars (1498?1578) De la Garde-Adhmar au sige de Nice, le parcours d'un Ambassadeur de Franois Ier, "The French Economic Interests in the Ottoman Empire", International Journal of Middle East Studies,, Bilateral relations of the Ottoman Empire, Military alliances involving the Ottoman Empire, 1536 establishments in the Ottoman Empire, Articles with dead external links from January 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with incomplete citations from August 2022, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Peter Malcolm Holt, Ann K. S. Lambton, Bernard Lewis. After the Capitulations of 1569, France also gained precedence over all other Christian states, and her authorization was required for when another state wished to trade with the Ottoman Empire. Charles V strongly appealed to the rest of Europe against the alliance of Francis I, and caricatures were made showing the collusion between France and the Ottoman Empire. 2, 2012, p.195. [55] The Franco-Ottomans laid waste to the city of Nice, but were confronted by a stiff resistance which gave rise to the story of Catherine Sgurane. In the early 18th century, the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed III (17031730) endeavoured to send an embassy to France in order to formally establish France as a strategic ally against the common Russian and Austrian enemy. May 17, 2022 The famous Franco-Ottoman alliance between the Ottoman Empire and the French monarchy started during the 16th century. There is nothing astonishing in emperors being defeated and made captive. Dolet also claimed that it should not be "forbidden for a prince to make alliance and seek intelligence of another, whatever creed or law he may be. WebThe Franco-Ottoman A llianc e The Franco-Ottom an alliance established by Fr ancis I is generally thought to have begun officially in February 1536 with a series of capitulations granted by the sultan to the French king. [118] French travelers of the 17th century, such as Jean de Thvenot or Jean-Baptiste Tavernier routinely visited the Ottoman Empire. [111][114] Pamphleters and poets would criticize the position of Louis, and reinforce the unity of the League, by describing a battle between European "Liberty" on the one hand and "Eastern despotism" associated with "French absolutism" on the other.[115]. [130] However, all instructors had to leave with the end of the Franco-Ottoman alliance in 1798. [108] French admiral Abraham Duquesne fought the Barbary corsairs in 1681 and bombarded Algiers between 1682 and 1683, to help Christian captives. [35][55][64] Following major sieges such as the siege of Esztergom (1543), Suleiman took a commanding position in Hungary, obtaining the signature of the Truce of Adrianople with the Habsburg in 1547. WebThe Franco-Indian alliance was an alliance between American Indians and the French, centered on the Great Lakes and the Illinois country during the French and Indian War (17541763). Christine Isom-Verhaarens book is not a history of the Franco-Ottoman alliance in the 16th century; rather its aim is to show how the Ottomans and French of the time saw this alliance, which has so often been presented by later historians as exceptional and shameful, and why its real meaning and historical context were misunderstood. Jean de La Fort negotiated the capitulations on 18 February 1536, on the model of previous Ottoman commercial treaties with Venice and Genoa,[27] although they only seem to have been ratified by the Ottomans later, in 1569, with ambassador Claude Du Bourg. May 17, 2022 The famous Franco-Ottoman alliance between the Ottoman Empire and the French monarchy started during the 16th century. Napoleon promised to help the Ottoman Empire recover lost territories. WebIt's historical, but still difficult to break it. ", The Ottomans were able to stage a counter-attack and succeeded in the siege of Belgrade (1690), but they were finally defeated however in 1699 with the Treaty of Carlowitz. Various religious refugees, such as the Huguenots, some Anglicans, Quakers, Anabaptists or even Jesuits or Capuchins and Jews (Marranos) were able to find refuge at Constantinople and in the Ottoman Empire,[35] where they were given right of residence and worship. For the Ottoman Empire, the French Revolution was a godsend, since conflict between European powers could only weaken the states that were its traditional enemies. Through its intervention and that of Ambassador Louis de Villenneuve in negotiating the 1739 Treaty of Belgrade, France effectively supported the Ottoman Empire into maintaining a strong presence in Europe against Austria for several more decades,[106] and "re-emerged in its traditional role as the Ottomans' best friend in Christendom". [3][4] Carl Jacob Burckhardt (1947) called it "the sacrilegious union of the lily and the crescent". Piccirillo, Anthony Carmen (Georgetown University) Senior Honors Thesis in History, Georgetown University, May (2009) Abstract. Kings of France and of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy: To which is Added, The Scandalous Chronicle, Or Secret History of Louis XI", "Three Years in Constantinople: Or, Domestic Manners of the Turks in 1844", "The History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople: In 1453, to the War in the Crimea, in 1857", "Whose Science is Arabic Science in Renaissance Europe? A Vile, Infamous, Diabolical Treaty: The Franco-Ottoman Alliance of Francis I and the Eclipse of the Christendom Ideal. [47], Polin left Constantinople on 15 February 1542 with a contract from Suleiman outlining the details of the Ottoman commitment for 1542. Our glorious predecessors and our illustrious ancestors (may God light up their tombs!) How it all started Francis I [49] Polin, after some delays in Venice, finally managed to take a galley to Constantinople on 9 May 1542, but he arrived too late for the Ottomans to launch a sea campaign. It was when Suleiman the Magnificent entered into the Mohacs war in 1526, conquering the Hungarian empire, who were the strongest allies of Austrias Habsburg monarchy. France isn't that weird a nation to ally with for the Ottomans, however. WebThe Franco-Ottoman military alliance is said to have reached its peak around 1553 during the reign Henry II of France. On its side, Russia vied for Ottoman favour, and succeeded in signing a Treaty of Defensive Alliance in 1805.[139]. How can you expect me to beat a near 150k combined Force? Meanwhile, Charles V was manoeuvring to form a Habsburg-Persian alliance with Persia, so that the Ottoman Empire would be attacked on its rear. Spooner, "The Habsburg-Valois Struggle" in G.R. [147], In another example of cooperation, in 1860, France later intervened in the Ottoman territory of Syria, with the agreement of the Ottoman Empire, with the objective to fulfill its mission to protect Christians in the Middle East, following massacres of Maronite Christians. The strategic and sometimes tactical alliance was one of the longest-lasting and most important foreign alliances of France, and was particularly influential during the Italian Wars. His embassy of eleven months was notable for being the first ever foreign representation of a permanent nature for the Ottoman Empire. [68] In the late sixteenth century, Italian political philosopher Giovanni Botero referred to the alliance as "a vile, infamous, diabolical treaty" and blamed it for the extinction of the Valois dynasty. In 1534 a Turkish fleet sailed against the Habsburg Empire at the request of Francis I, raiding the Italian coast and finally meeting with representatives of Francis in southern France. For 1537 important combined operations were agreed upon, in which the Ottomans would attack southern Italy and Naples under Barbarossa, and Francis I would attack northern Italy with 50,000 men. He sent General Horace Sebastiani as envoy extraordinary. In 1679 and 1680, Louis through his envoy Guilleragues encouraged the Ottoman Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa to intervene in the Magyar Rebellion against the Habsburg, but without success. Rouillard, Clarence D. The Turk in French History, Thought and Literature, 15201660 (Paris: Boivin & Compagnie, 1973) 358. [38] Francis I finally penetrated into Italy, and reached Rivoli on 31 October 1537. Even with Spain and Denmark as allies and the combined land of Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Bohemia I'm losing horribly. WebLalliance franco-ottomane, ou alliance franco-turque, est une alliance tablie en 1536 entre le roi de France Franois Ier et le souverain turc de l'Empire ottoman, Soliman le Magnifique. [40], For two years, until 1538, Saint-Blancard would accompany the fleet of Barbarossa, and between 1537 and 1538, Saint-Blancard would winter with his galleys in Constantinople and meet with Suleiman. Franco-Ottoman military collaboration took place during the Italian War of 15361538 following the 1536 Treaty negotiated by Jean de La Fort. What conclusion can be drawn from this capitulation? [2] It allowed the French and the natives to form a haven in the middle-Ohio valley before the open conflict between the European powers erupted. [92] The choice of Henri de Valois had apparently been proposed by the Ottoman Grand Vizier Sokollu Mehmet Pasha. The alliance has been called "the first non-ideological diplomatic alliance of its kind between a Christian and non-Christian empire". The Ottoman Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa almost captured Vienna, but was finally repulsed at the Battle of Vienna in 1683. WebThe Franco-Ottoman Alliance, also known as the Franco-Turkish Alliance, was an alliance established in 1536 between the King of France Francis I and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman I. 16th century alliance of Francis I and Suleiman I, "Echelles du Levant" redirects here. Break alliance will not work to break an alliance as strong as that. [105], French influence remained paramount at Constantinople, and the Capitulations were renewed in 1604, forcing all nations to trade under the protection and flag of France, except for England and Venice which were competing, with the Dutch Republic, for influence in the Levant. Today in American History Day February 18 1536 Franco-Ottoman alliance. As a united front this alliance was able to contain the Hapsburg Empire. conquered by the force of their arms and which my August Majesty has made subject to my flamboyant sword and my victorious blade, I, Sultan Suleiman Khan, son of Sultan Selim Khan, son of Sultan Bayezid Khan: To thee who art Francesco, king of the province of France You have sent to my Porte, refuge of sovereigns, a letter by the hand of your faithful servant Frangipani, and you have furthermore entrusted to him miscellaneous verbal communications. WebIt's historical, but still difficult to break it. He became a scholar of Islamic theology. This tradition also spread to England where it revived the English carpet industry in the 18th century.[123]. The alliance has been called "the first non-ideological diplomatic alliance of its kind between a Christian and non-Christian empire". Suleiman ordered Barbarossa to put his fleet at the disposition of Francis I to attack Genoa and the Milanese. The Barbary slave trade and Ottoman corsairs originating from Ottoman Algeria were a major problem throughout the centuries, leading to regular punitive expeditions by France (1661, 1665, 1682, 1683, 1688). In early July 1532, Suleiman was joined by the French ambassador Antonio Rincon in Belgrade. In this episode of the France Series, me and Mason death war the HRE a morbillion times. A first French mission to Suleiman seems to have been sent right after the Battle of Pavia by the mother of Francis I, Louise de Savoie, but the mission was lost on its way in Bosnia. This fleet will accompany and escort the army of sir Haradin, which will also be refreshed and supplied with food and ammunition by the King, who, by these actions, will be able to achieve his aims, for which he will be highly grateful to sir Haradin. In this episode of the France Series, me and Mason death war the HRE a morbillion times. [107] Louis's mother, Anne of Austria, was a Habsburg too. WebThe Franco-Ottoman alliance, also Franco-Turkish alliance, was an alliance established in 1536 between the king of France Francis I and the Turkish sultan of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman the Magnificent. [124] On his return to the Ottoman capital, Mehmed elebi presented his contacts, experiences and observations to the Sultan in the form of a book, a Sefretnme. Transmission of scientific knowledge, such as the Tusi-couple, may have occurred on such occasions, at the time when Copernicus was establishing his own astronomical theories. The French Royal House also borrowed large amounts of gold from the Ottoman banker Joseph Nasi and the Ottoman Empire, amounting to around 150,000 cus as of 1565, the repayment of which became contentious in the following years. WebThe Franco-Ottoman Alliance, also known as the Franco-Turkish Alliance, was an alliance established in 1536 between the King of France Francis I and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Suleiman I.The strategic and sometimes tactical alliance was one of the longest-lasting and most important foreign alliances of France, and was particularly WebThis dissertation shows that the Franco-Ottoman alliance continued unabated throughout the sixteenth century despite the outbreak of religious civil war. WebThis dissertation shows that the Franco-Ottoman alliance continued unabated throughout the sixteenth century despite the outbreak of religious civil war. [136] This relationship would sour with the ascent of Napoleon I. Since in your game, that makes them much harder to destroy for you, it actually seems quite a Philippe de Commines reports that Bayezid II sent an embassy to Louis XI in 1483, while Cem, his brother and rival pretender to the Ottoman throne was being detained in France at Bourganeuf by Pierre d'Aubusson. Web/ Suleiman the Magnificent and the Franco-Ottoman Alliance Rise of Suleiman I to a pinnacle of the Ottoman Sultanate in 1520 overlapped with the turning point in the European history. [37] In the truce, Charles and Francis made an agreement to ally against the Ottomans to expel them from Hungary. [73] Jean de Montluc's brother Blaise de Montluc argued in 1540 that the alliance was permissible because "against one's enemies one can make arrows of any kind of wood. In 1572, after the death of the Polish king Sigismund Augustus, who had been under a Polish-Ottoman alliance of his own, Poland elected the French Henri de Valois, rather than Habsburg candidates, partly in order to be more agreeable to the Ottoman Empire. [46], A landing harbour in the north of the Adriatic was prepared for Barberousse, at Marano. and Charles VIII. The French kings succeeding to Francis I also generally maintained their pro-Ottoman policy. ", "Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge", "The History of England: The history of England: reigns of Edward the Sixth-Mary-and Elizabeth. [83] The Ottoman admiral Turgut Reis was one of the key Ottoman protagonists in these actions. For the Maalouf novel, see, Permanent embassy of Jean de La Fort (15351537), Italian War of 15421546 and Hungary Campaign of 1543, Failed coordination in the campaign of 1542, Barbarossa wintering in Toulon (15431544), French support in the Ottoman-Safavid war (1547), Cooperation during the Italian War of 15511559, Joint attacks on the Kingdom of Naples (1552), Support of Protestantism under Charles IX, Ottoman-Persian diplomatic rivalry in Europe, Continued support from Louis XV to the Revolution. [4] A formal alliance was signed in 1536. [7] Cem was transferred to the custody of Pope Innocent VIII in 1489. [18] Rincon also described the Ottoman camp: Astonishing order, no violence. In early 1542, Polin successfully negotiated the details of the alliance, with the Ottoman Empire promising to send 60,000 troops against the territories of the German king Ferdinand, as well as 150 galleys against Charles, while France promised to attack Flanders, harass the coasts of Spain with a naval force, and send 40 galleys to assist the Turks for operations in the Levant. The Ottoman Empire formed a capitulation with King Francis I of France creating the Franco-Ottoman Alliance. Frances cross-confessional foreign policy was institutionalized long before the [104] The Orient came to have a strong influence in French literature, as about 50% of French travel guides in the 16th century were dedicated to the Ottoman Empire. [120], A carpet industry faon de Turquie ("in the manner of Turkey") was developed in France in the reign of Henry IV by Pierre Dupont, who was returning from the Levant, and especially rose to prominence during the reign of Louis XIV. [141] Selim III's decisions in favour of France triggered the 1806 Russo-Turkish War and the 1807 Anglo-Turkish War. On land Suleiman was concomitantly fighting for the conquest of Hungary in 1543, as a part of the Little War. [17] In 1528 also, Francis used the pretext of the protection of Christians in the Ottoman Empire to again enter into contact with Suleiman, asking for the return of a mosque to a Christian Church. [143], In a final reversal however, Napoleon I finally vanquished Russia at the Battle of Friedland in July 1807. WebThe secret alliance of the French king Francis with the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent The 24th of February 1525 was a bad day for Francis I King of France. He established permanent embassies in several European countries, and turned to France for help. "'[67], Side effects included a lot of negative propaganda against the actions of France and its "unholy" alliance with a Muslim power. He did not go, for just days before he was to embark for the Near East he proved himself useful to the Directory by putting down a Parisian mob in the whiff of grapeshot and was kept in France. Franco-Ottoman military collaboration took place during the Italian War of 15361538 following the 1536 Treaty negotiated by Jean de La Fort. Since in your game, that makes them much harder to destroy for you, it actually seems quite a [59], Five French galleys under Captain Polin, including the superb Rale, accompanied Barbarossa's fleet,[60] on a diplomatic mission to Suleiman. He arrived in Blois on 8 March 1542 to obtain a ratification of the agreement by Francis I. Mustafa IV however, persisted with the Franco-Ottoman alliance, and sent ambassador Halet Efendi to Paris to work out the details. [94] Selim II sent his support through a messenger, who endeavoured to put the Dutch in contact with the rebellious Moriscos of Spain and the pirates of Algiers. "[70], Numerous authors intervened to take the defense of the French king for his alliance. May 17, 2022 The famous Franco-Ottoman alliance between the Ottoman Empire and the French monarchy started during the 16th century. He studied Arabic and also learned about Islamic culture. The Ottoman Empire formed a capitulation with King Francis I of France creating the Franco-Ottoman Alliance. WebIt's historical, but still difficult to break it. Following the Turkish conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmed II and the unification of swaths of the Middle East under Selim I, Suleiman I, the son of Selim, managed to expand Ottoman rule to Serbia in 1522. WebThe Ottomans were also greatly attracted by the prestige of being in alliance with such a country as France, which would give them better legitimacy in their European dominions. Darkness of the later medieval period with its stagnating feudal institutes became redundant and was slowly giving way to the glimmer of the Renaissance. He built fortifications on the Bosphorus and started a naval science course that laid the foundation stone for the later Turkish Naval Academy. [142] Concurrently, Napoleon also formed a Franco-Persian alliance in 1807, through the signature of the Treaty of Finkenstein. WebThe secret alliance of the French king Francis with the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent The 24th of February 1525 was a bad day for Francis I King of France. Francis I lost in his European campaigns, and had to sign the Paix des Dames in August 1529. The Franco-Ottoman fleet left Naples to go back to the east on 10 August, missing the Baron de la Garde who reached Naples a week later with 25 galleys and troops. [26] In a counter-attack however, Charles V dislodged them in the Conquest of Tunis (1535). The Ottoman Empire was at the height of its power, but for the forty years after these events, France would become embroiled in the bitter French Wars of Religion, and Ottoman power would start to slowly weaken after the 1571 Battle of Lepanto. This plan was formalized by two major diplomatic endeavours: the Persian embassy to Europe (15991602), and the Persian embassy to Europe (16091615). At that time, following the 1522 Battle of Bicoque, Francis I was attempting to ally with king Sigismund I the Old of Poland. Finally, Suleiman intervened diplomatically in favour of Francis on the European scene. [118] Fashionable coffee-shops emerged such as the famous Caf Procope, the first coffee-shop of Paris, in 1689. [121] The Tapis de Savonnerie especially exemplify this tradition ("the superb carpets of the Savonnerie, which long rivalled the carpets of Turkey, and latterly have far surpassed them")[122] which was further adapted to local taste and developed with the Gobelins carpets. WebHey everyone! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The alliance has been called "the first non-ideological diplomatic alliance of its kind between a Christian and non-Christian empire". A Vile, Infamous, Diabolical Treaty: The Franco-Ottoman Alliance of Francis I and the Eclipse of the Christendom Ideal. On 1 February 1553, a new treaty of alliance, involving naval collaboration against the Habsburg was signed between France and the Ottoman Empire. According to Afyoncu, the Franco-Ottoman alliance was a symbol of the Ottoman mercy upon a deeply troubled French king a historic reality which French President Macron seems to be unaware of in light of his insensitive remarks against Turkey, the successor state of the Ottoman Empire. Pain. Besides the powerful effect of a strategic alliance encircling the Habsburg Empire, combined tactical operations were significantly hampered by the distances involved, the difficulties in communication, and the unpredictable changes of plans on one side or the other. [96] Around 1575, plans were made for a combined attack of Aragonese Moriscos and Huguenots from Barn under Henri de Navarre against Spanish Aragon, in agreement with the Bey of Algiers and the Ottoman Empire, but these projects foundered with the arrival of John of Austria in Aragon and the disarmament of the Moriscos. [148] At that time, France, led by Emperor Napoleon III, claimed to continue its ancient role as protector of Christians in the Ottoman Empire.[149].

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