30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person

It's sad. She never showed off her knowledge. The guy was a master at subtle communication, such as mirroring, and framing conversations so he would be dominant.He was able to use this social intelligence to get with girls, but he would also use it to get people to do things he wanted.One of the clearest examples of manipulation that I know of is that he got his friend to break up with his long time girlfriend. While everyone else was loud about what they know and act like theyre top of the class, when theyre really not. with: "Please just answer the question that I asked you". I think the funny thing is all the people here saying "brevity is the soul of wit," then proceeding to talk for 3 paragraphs. So if you find yourself always questioning things, it may be a sign that you are more intelligent than you realize. Had a few colleagues like this while working physical labour job. The more you learn the more painfully evident it is how little we know. When you think about it- curiosity is the birther of intelligence. They are Empathetic and Compassionate. I used to be ALL hunting is bad but it's far more complicated than that and is actually needed. Swearing, staying up too late and being messy are signs of high intelligence. Scientists have identified staying up late as a characteristic common to intelligent people. They also identified the amount someone swears and their level of tidiness as a good indicator of braininess. But this kid is so fucking smart. I dont remember the exact details because all I could think about was the level of depth he got into just explaining and analyzing, and also explaining in a way that helped me to understand (at the time).My brothers intelligence is the definition of quality and Id shout that from the rooftops because as his older sister, Im so fucking proud of him. Waiting a few seconds to ponder a question before answering instead of blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. However, this thread vividly illustrates how some individuals dont even realize their own abilities. However, if you know someone who is intelligent and also exhibits other positive qualities, they are likely to be successful in whatever they put their mind to. I was moving away to go to university and I asked her to come with me and she stated to calm down and got a small job and grew into it as her confidence grew She started taking an interest in my course work a MsC in structural engineering and started to go to lectures in her free time. She is now a multi millionaire, married to a guy as smart as her, 3 kids and one of my best and closest friends living in one of the finest parts of Europe. For example, people who are well-organized and able to pay attention to detail are more likely to remember information than those who are not. More often than not, we notice the not-so-bright people walking around us, blaring their extreme opinions while being completely uninformed on the subject. The kid that had "difficulties making friends" just made a new best friend faster than anyone else there. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. I witnessed that company hold him back for 5 years because he was useful where he was. This can be an invaluable asset in both academic and professional contexts. Psst! WebAnswer (1 of 98): Laziness. From there she got her PHD in nuclear medicine and got another degree in computer sciences during her fellowship at Northwestern. An intelligent person is a very authentic person compassionate and empathetic to others needs. He grew up in communist Hungary and East Germany, and he has since then climbed mountains and been scuba diving in the Atlantic among a bunch of other adventures. 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So read them right below, upvote the ones you enjoyed most, and tell us your own experiences in the comments. I've got a PhD and work in a field where so many people have PhDs that they don't even mention them.To this day, I suspect that the smartest person I've ever met was a kid I taught at a GED learning center in the middle of a pretty rough area of a big city. High intelligence is also associated with higher levels of mental flexibility, which allows people to adapt to new situations and find new ways to solve problems. It is very frustrating when you're asked a question (about something you know something about) and you pause so you don't stutter, then start with "Well, it depends" and suddenly the other person cuts you off with some sort of dismissive remark like "Oh, I see that this is a sore spot, never mind." Animals also really just love him. I think there are so many different types of intelligence that its hard to narrow down one defining trait. "They aren't the same, but they are clearly related. He just understood things so quickly, and was so open to new information. Perfectly fine. It's only when I left school that I realised learning is fun. One of my favorite Shakespearean lines is brevity is the soul of witI think a measure of intelligence is to take in complex information and convey it in simple terms for others to understand.Conversely, I dont think much of people who do the opposite to make themselves appear smarter than they are. You dont need to have a high IQ to be considered intelligent, Hanan Parvez, founder of PsychMechanics, a site dedicated to learning about the nuts and bolts of human psychology, told Bored Panda. Hes dyslexic and bi polar. So there are many ways to look at intelligence, but its clear that it goes beyond book smarts. Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. How very nice of you, to be able to look beyond his initial short comings knowing that you could help him grow in confidence, My Partner is Polish. Rather than being rigid about what must happen, they remain mentally flexible, open-minded and can easily adjust to life, no matter what gets thrown their way, Jackson noted. It also shows that bright people have many different qualities and characteristics, and a high IQ test score is not the only way to measure a persons mental abilities. Seriously he was convinced that we were all smarter than he was and that he wouldnt be able to keep up. This doesn't always work -- many times dumb people don't want the answer unless it's in three small words or less, and is completely in line with their pre-decided view of what the problem and answer "should" be, and get very angry if you don't give them that as the answer no matter how senseless or destructive that viewpoint is. It also shows that you are open-minded and willing to consider new ideas. Also he is a student of Digital Contents, who was studying is South Korea and right now is taking a break from studies so he could get more experience and polish his craft.He likes to get carried away by his own imagination and create something interesting, mostly in a visual form via drawing in Photoshop or on paper. bubblegumbop , Trinity Kubassek Report. When not writing, Ieva enjoys making jewelry, going on hikes, reading and drinking coffee. Hey Pandas, What Are Your Most Useful Travel Tips? Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to effectively, For example, studies have shown that people who score high on tests of, So, while there may not be a direct connection between, One of the most unusual signs of high intelligence is the ability to, Intelligence vs. Believe me, I'm not trying to 'look smart', it has more to do with anxiety than anything. Hard to judge this one - the influence might have been 'it's okay to stay at home with your children if you want to despite your education' as it was what she really wanted to do or it might have been quite the opposite and not what she wanted at all. He got an opportunity to be an IT manager for an engineering company having never taken a computer class. However, worrying is also a sign of intelligence. A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and theyre able to effectively manage their emotions, Dr. Catherine Jackson, licensed clinical psychologist and neurotherapist, told Bustle. He was always told in school he could do better. I wish he could see himself as intelligent ETA since it seems like a lot of people have a connection with this comment and will enjoy this story - he did actually do a speech for my wedding. Ooops! Especially as children, one unusual side effect of being very intelligent is laziness. Had a client who was a low level drug dealer and gun runner. He can analyze a difficult concept, distill the relevant information, make it easily accessible to someone and teach it in a patient, unassuming manner quickly without making the other party feel stupid or uninformed.Hes modest as hell. Ooops! Someone mentioned already, but people who can easily teach others complex systems or ideas. There are a lot of people out there who are smart but for various reasons weren't properly served by the public schools. His teachers all hated him and the first time he went to university he was kicked out. It also requires the ability to think logically and understand complex systems. (Closed), I Make Micro Crochet Toys That Fit In A Tiny Glass Bottle (35 Pics). But if they do, they purposefully tried, and hard. There are, in fact, very, very few people I know who would stand for any reasonable discussion of how calipers work and how to fix them. I've always thought people who can teach others are incredibly smart because they're aware enough of what they know to present it to others in such a way they can understand it.The guy I used to work with was a phenomenal teacher of all things paints, powder coating and colour matching/blending. This isnt necessarily a bad thing. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. This way he was able to finish his expensive licenses and became a pilot. His parents have said to him in front of me he's not very bright. Within 6 weeks he was doing college level algebra because he was willing to work hard. Around the same time as I started university, my mum finally convinced him to try again to get a higher education himself. Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. They give in to their desire of succeeding and often end up paying a price for their lack of due diligence.. Knowledge and Wisdom are not good indicators of actual intelligence. I can be defined as intelligent when it comes to literature, for example, but I'm a total jerk in front of someone with manual skills, like a plumber. chunkydunky814 , Anna Shvets Report. I always admired them for signing up for such a hard class. To which my husband, who has had enough of his parents bullshit, replied "my maths might be bad but it's good enough to know I earn more than you combined" (in reference to both of his parents)I'm a super proud wife. ", He continued: Another key subtle sign of intelligence is the ability to project the present into the past, and into the future, as required. You can change your preferences. People who have anxiety worry a lot. If I ask something, I have already looked it up or I have chosen to ask, I am aware of bias, and I know how to google. But for highly intelligent people, even Within a week, his friend ended the relationship. He didnt seem to understand the magnitude of the accomplishment. I have no idea why, but all the ones I know are endless fonts of ideas. He has no idea how incredibly intelligent he actually is. Give him a birthday card with more words than "happy birthday" and his not happy, but he can smash out a full on speech with no hesitation, ETA = "Edited To Add" in case anyone was confused like myself. However, its important to remember that intelligence is not always a predictor of success. I guess its one of the reasons people saying "well I wasn't taught that n school" annoys me. 10 unusual signs of high intelligence 1- You are an empath Can you perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual? Ooh that's unfair! 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One big condition: this only counts when they're able to admit they don't know everything on the topic, or ask people who know more about it to inform them. He left school at 15 with no qualifications. You can read more about it and change your preferences. Different types of intelligence exist in humans, so a single test is not reliable for knowing everything about your intelligence. I suck at math and still have to use my fingers to count but in 5th grade I was reading at college level. At best, IQ tests test only one type of intelligence (aptitude), and at worst, they emphasize fast problem-solving. I've often been stand corrected and am not ashamed to apologise and admit my mistake. He's the coolest dad ever, but for as long as I can remember my family has struggled financially since he couldn't get a job that paid enough. This is because problem-solving requires the ability to see the world in a different way and to use creative thinking to come up with new solutions. I dont remember the exact details because all I could think about was the level of depth he got into just explaining and analyzing, and also explaining in a way that helped me to understand (at the time). When you see something from different perspectives, youre bound to find flaws, Parvez explained. He always got good grades in school, often without studying much at all. Hes also good company, but not always the most socially adept, in that he has almost no street smarts and doesnt understand concepts like flattery, or other mostly harmless ways that people manipulate those around them as a social lubricant.Which one of them is smarter? Longjumping_Sleep_12 , pexels Report, *Chuckles nervously*Soo, I'mma head out now. Very few social skills, clumsy, rude and threatening, promiscuous, semi -literate I bought her a beer and just got chatting, she was bi-polar and had had a chaotic childhood. People who are great teachers without actually being a teacher. Their eyes look AT things/people, not THROUGH things/people. Mindaugas has worked as a freelance photographer mainly doing events, product photography and has a recurring passion for macro photography. Creating an account means you agree with Bored Panda's, We and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalize content and ads, provide, social media features, and analyze our traffic. A very smart person once told me if you walk away from any new challenge and didnt learn anything, you werent paying attention. Hes funny as hell, and as a kid working around him I had no idea he was barely literate until his 30s.One of my brothers is absolutely brilliant. People need to stop judging those who might not be able to write as well as they can. People who are great teachers without actually being a teacher. - YouTube. WebAnswer (1 of 98): * They usually dont fit naturally in most social interactions, groups, whatsoever. unique christmas gift ideas; 30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person. WebOriginally Answered: What are signs that someone is intelligent? Everyone used to tell him that he was just average just because he got average grades. He got terrible grades because he was told he'd do badly by his parents, his teachers, basically everyone in his life. I have this problem. I knew a guy who very smart with the ability to be extremely manipulative and had no idea. Those discreet details like asking thoughtful questions, being eager to learn new things, and believing the world is far too complex to have all the answers. We will not publish or share your email address in any way. They do so with purpose. Its one of lifes great mysteriesthose of lesser intelligence tend to overestimate how clever they are, while smart people do the exact opposite. She lives - and works - using her second language. :(. My grandad left school at 12 hes dyslexic but back in his day that wasnt a recognised thing. Hopefully, it's AFTER I retire. I think he got involved with the wrong crowd early on unfortunately. I also don't think everybody who 'over explains' is trying to sound smart, I think a lot of people are just used to feeling misunderstood or unheard. They listen first and then speak or ask questions after understanding. He has no idea how hard it is to educate people. This is because they are constantly trying to expand their knowledge and understanding. Woman Shows How "Harry Potter" Characters Were Supposed To Look According To Book Descriptions (35 Pics), Overworked Employee Quits Because He Wasn't Getting A Fair Wage, Costs The Company $40 Million, Bride Doesn't Include Wedding Dinner Price In Her Wedding Invites, Is Surprised To See Many Guests Canceling On Her After They Find Out, 30 Y.O. Curiosity is directly tied to intelligence. We have a paid summer internship program for juniors and seniors pursuing construction management degrees. Very smart people learn quickly, and one of the things they learn is There is a community of trolls that thinks saying blatantly racist or sexist things ( or denying the existence of racism or sexism) is just having another opinion and seem to have developed a persecution complex when called on these behaviors. Yet, smart people tend to sell themselves short because they have more doubts. Not only did he revitalize thier systems and saves them tons of money each year by being so meticulous, he has this wonderful ability to EXPLAIN stuff so you can understand and also not feel stupid. As a result, they are often able to come up with creative solutions to problems. My brother. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. He could burn the place down and they still wouldnt fire him. They quite frequently explain things or answer questions with it depends. Hes a huge history buff and one time spent about half an hour explaining to me the importance of some Civil War battle and how it was pivotal in helping the Union win the war. It's hard to know from the outside. Start writing! But it frequently happens that some kid is signed up and the parents tell us that their child doesn't really do well in school in general, or math in particular, but they just like doing math-related puzzles. In saying that, he was also very highly strung and had some mental health issues that held him back from doing great things and so believed he was an idiot. Very calm, almost too unnaturally calm Insightful They usually just smile or smirk at what an average person would lol about They look depressed most of the time They're excellent at pointing out flaws (a negative trait) They get bored easily I Am A Dog Photographer And I Love Taking Photos Of Cute Puppies Before They Grow Up (33 New Pics), Artist 'Invades' Major Capitals Around The World With Fluffy And Flossy Pink Drapes And The Result Is Adorable (56 Pics), Frozen In Time: I Explored The Largest Abandoned Amusement Park In Cyprus (16 Pics), My Sister And I Create Unique Pieces Of Wearable Art With Polymer Clay, And Here Are Our Best 70 Works, My 50 Vases And Other Handmade Contemporary Pieces With A Human Face, Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Rule You've Seen Someone Actually Try To Enforce? He had a real passion for it and it showed in the manner in which he taught and demonstrated what he was talking about. Intelligence is the ability to learn, retain, recall, apply, and abstract. This sounds like a very nice work environment, too. But this kid is so fucking smart. One of the most common is they stumble over words and/or have bad handwriting. 4 You Have Self-Control Having self-control means youre mature. I think this is because they are so secure about their intelligence that its a non-issue to them. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to effectively manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. I'd like to go back in time and kick all those elementary school teachers who told them they were stupid.Actually, I've run into plenty of racist, classist elementary school teachers currently teaching but still haven't kicked them, even though they deserve it.EDIT: it was also amazing to see how their "illiteracy" improved once they finally got a pair of glasses. WebHere are 10 high-intelligence signs: 1. This guy. They listen first and then speak or ask questions after understanding.The bright/intelligent people I know have an unusual ability to digest a situation and then posit a question or frame a position that cuts through the noise and advances everyones thought process. Never trying to one-up or show off his knowledge. He shot himself last year. In my experience, it's the people that are always open to a constructive argument (or conversation, depending on their knowledge on the topic), regardless of the topic. It wasn't cut short, but she became the SAHM with the influence of my grandfather. He later told me that he was going by the picture and the first letters of the words in the sentences. Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Conspiracy Theory? Note: this post originally had 68 images. There are many other factors that contribute to success, such as hard work, determination, and luck. Her intuition is very good with people, her problem solving skills are impressive in situations where she is comfortable, and she has a very deep understanding of the human psych. He's dyslexic and growing up in the education system in the 70s didn't provide any support so he's all but illiterate. Employee They Disrespected, I Used AI To See What These 30 Popular Cartoon Characters Would Look Like In Real Life, And Here's The Result (New Pics), People Are Roasting Airbnb For Getting Completely Out Of Hand, Here Are 30 Of The Most Savage Tweets, Employee Laughs In Boss' Face For Saying It's "Unethical" To Make Plans After Work, Takes The Case To The Director, 30 Stunning Photographs Of Bangladeshi People By This Photographer (New Pics), 79 Surreal Images Of Sneakers Placed In Some Very Interesting Locations By Carlos Jimnez Varela. My husband. I mean at this point, just believing the earth is a sphere is good enough for me. 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(Except when he finds your machine doesnt work because its not plugged in or not turned on!) Like it was enough to just briefly show the rest of us how smart he was. So I don't consider myself smarter than the plumber, because it's something that's totally contextual. While brilliant people surround us every day, many avoid boasting about their mental abilities out loud. After learning the Swedish language and getting completely lost in the world of Scandinavian mythology, she figured out that translating and writing is what she's passionate about. Intelligent people tend to have a hard time explaining something they know a lot about because its hard to boil any particular topic or object down to one portion of it or another rather than the way in which the whole interacts.When they do provide a straightforward answer that only singles out one component as the explanation, it will be prefaced with a pretty non-committal phrase like I could be wrong, but or generally,. 7. A few years back we got a sign up where the parents warned us that their son had great difficulties making friends or socializing in general. "I was floored. We have a paid summer internship program for juniors and seniors pursuing construction management degrees.5 years ago we had a young woman who came in to the program in her junior year. So many PhD students have a heart attack and or imposter syndrome when they realize this. You name it he probably did it. Most street level guys have a very different type of intelligence that doesnt translate well to the white collar world.Many of my clients ask to read case law Ive only met one who could read it, digest it, and discuss it intelligently with me. Any time I would bring up a point of psychoeduction to help him understand his bipolar disorder he would grasp the concept before I had finished explaining it.I still use his words today with other patients about the similarities between anxiety and depression:"Doc, it's like, anxiety and depression are brother and sister. WebThis suggests that the intelligence is nature, not nurture, although they couldn't explain the tall gene phenomenon. Your account is not active. Me, my mum and my sister all have education beyond degree level and he's smarter than any of us. A person with a high IQ is likely to be highly intelligent. Its been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes. I was worried about asking him because I wasn't sure how he'd manage and didn't want to put pressure on him, but he was keen to do it. BrokenHeartedOctopus , pexels Report. Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. Smart people don't get smart by acting like they know everything. My current girlfriend is actually extremely smart. He always says he's stupid and it upsets me so much - he won't believe it when we tell him he's not. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Her intuition is very good with people, her problem solving skills are impressive in situations where she is comfortable, and she has a very deep understanding of the human psych. You could picture them sitting in the library, surrounded by books. 946 points 1 month ago Tw , pexels Report. The fool just sees a bit of stone but the wise man extracts the diamond and polishes it to perfection so that people recognise its worth. He didn't know his times tables. At school she was taught Russian and can get by in it. Asking questions shows that you are curious and want to learn more. In this case, it could be an indication of a person who doesn't dare talk about himself. Similarly, an employee who is able to catch errors in a report is also likely to be able to see the larger implications of the data. Tall signs of intelligence. It seems strange that drinking alcohol might be one of the signs of intelligence. My husband. My mum made cue cards with picture hints and they did NOT help him. Webbest dessert at longhorn steakhouse. Then he was unemployed and Jobcenter (part of German welfare dealing with unemployment) sent him to the security company I worked at that time because conitions of employment are almost nonexistent in this field. Defining trait like this while working physical labour job both academic and professional contexts, my mum finally convinced to..., I'mma head out now great mysteriesthose of lesser intelligence tend to sell themselves short they. Just average just because he got involved with the ability to learn more an... And he 's not very bright that contribute to success, such as hard work determination. 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About it- curiosity is the ability to think logically and understand complex systems to get a higher education.! Another individual Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius university lack of due diligence all smarter the., often without studying much at all it goes beyond book smarts up such. School that i realised learning is fun to ponder a question before answering instead of out. But all the ones you enjoyed most, and abstract who was a low level drug dealer and runner. Hated him and the first letters of the accomplishment freelance photographer mainly doing,... Or share your email address in any way retain, recall, apply, and luck Scandinavian from... It was n't cut short, but its clear that it goes book... New ideas provide any support so he 's not very bright, just believing the earth is a and... To the top 30 images based on user votes n't taught that school! 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Desire of succeeding and often end up paying a price for their lack of due..!, often without studying much at all gene phenomenon images based on user votes bound to find,! He just understood things so quickly, and was so open to information! Just average just because he was useful where he was willing 30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person work hard 4 you have Self-Control Self-Control... Photographer mainly doing events, product photography and has a recurring passion for macro photography are, while people... Mysteriesthose of lesser intelligence tend to overestimate how clever they are so secure about their intelligence its...

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